Mercedes Benz

Rated no. 1 for Service & Performance In orange county

Elevate your driving experience with unrivaled precision and style.

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Customer-Centric Expertise

Prioritizing your needs with a wide range of services.

Superior Craftsmanship

Delivering top-tier repairs and enhancements for lasting satisfaction.

Peace of Mind Maintenance

Ensuring reliability and safety through meticulous maintenance.

Unique Vehicle Identity

Elevating your car's style, making it distinctively yours.

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Mercedes Benz

 our speciality


Certified installers

Our trained and certified installers have over 30 years of cumulative experience. They are dedicated to provide high-quality installations to keep your vehicle safe and protected by using cutting edge materials and processes to ensure a strong bond and a pristine finish.

About SSR

SSR Performance | OC's #1 Mercedes Benz Performance and Service Center

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